Friends –

Thank you for your continued support of our newspaper as we walk together down a path none of us have ever traveled before. Life changes in the blink of an eye, and right now we are all, together, experiencing unimaginable changes in our day-to-day lives.

We, like many businesses around the country, have been affected by the COVID-19 virus with the loss of revenue due to the government mandated closures. To remain viable during this time and continue to have a local newspaper when this passes – AND IT WILL PASS – we have had to make some changes in how we do business.

For instance, we’ve closed our lobby to walk-in traffic and asked our customers to drop payments in the drop-box or contact us by phone or email. This was done for the safety of our employees and those that come in to our office, and we are fortunate that everyone has been very understanding and flexible in helping us in this effort.

Additionally, we invited our subscribers to activate their digital subscriptions so in the event that we have to cease publishing a printed addition they’d have access to the latest news and information without interruption. That time has come and starting on March 31, 2020 we will only be publishing a printed newspaper on Wednesday and Saturday. We will continue to publish in a full fledged digital EEdition on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Let me emphasize that this is only a tentative measure and we fully expect to return to publishing a printed newspaper five days a week once this unprecedented situation is past us. Again, if you haven’t activated your access to the digital format please call our offices at 910-997-3111 and speak with Nancy Terry who’ll get you set up.

If you are unable to access the digital version of the paper due to not having access to an internet service, please call our offices and set up a temporary hold on your account until we have returned to normal.

I cannot stress enough that this is only a temporary measure. We fully expect to return to publishing a printed newspaper five days a week once this unprecedented situation is past us.

Lastly, if you are used to picking up a copy of the paper from one of the racks around town or in one of our store locations, we would like to encourage you to try our E-Edition. We can get you set up to have access today by calling 910-997-3111 or by going to and yourdailyjournal/subscribe.

While no one in our employment has been identified as having contracted the disease, we have taken steps to make sure that we are protecting our workforce. We are doing the same with our business, so you’ll be able to enjoy the Richmond County Daily Journal for many years to come.

We remain committed to bringing you the same local news and information that you’ve come to expect continuously throughout this. However, I know that for many this may come as a surprise and I welcome your comments, concerns and thoughts sent directly to me via email at [email protected] or you can call me directly at 910-817-2667 extension 2742. Please continue to support all our local businesses. Get takeout from our restaurants and tip wait staff, visit local businesses that remain open to serve you and and please subscribe to and support this newspaper which has been a part of our community for more than 80 years.

It is more important than ever that we take care of our own. And we know Richmond County residents – when the going gets tough, we stand up and stand with those who have remained loyal to us through the years. It is what makes this community so special and it is what will help us get through these most unusual times.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and understanding during this difficult time. We are praying for our community; all of our fellow businesses that are affected by this, our nation and our world as we all work to weather this storm. Stay safe.

Brian Bloom, Regional Publisher

Richmond County Daily Journal